Lord Nelson was Back to Work Half An Hour After Losing Arm

Thursday, October 29, 2009

photo: 1.bp.blogspot.com

LONDON - Vice Admiral Lord Horatio Nelson was back to work half an hour after his arm was amputated following a hit by a musket ball in July 1797, according to journals in the National Archive. The research team from National Archives in Kew have gathered personal accounts written by surgeons at sea from 1200 journals, which showed some of the first scientific investigations into diseases such as scurvy.
According to the ‘The Independent’, a handful of journals described the outstanding speed and skill with which medics nursed Nelson back to health from surgery - twice.
At first, Nelson was hit in the right arm by a musket ball soon after stepping ashore on the Spanish island of Tenerife in July 1797. He was taken to HMS Theseus for treatment with heavy bleeding and his hand had to be amputated. It is claimed that within 30 minutes of having his right arm cut off, Nelson was again issuing orders to his men, reports the Telegraph.
On 25 July the ship’s surgeon, James Farquhar, wrote in his journal: “Compound fracture of the right arm by a musket ball passing thro a little above the elbow; an artery divided; the arm was immediately amputated.”
On 1 August Farquhar noted: “Admiral Nelson; amputated arm; continued getting well very fast. Stump looked well; no bad symptoms whatever occurred… The sore reduced to the size of a shilling in perfect good health, one of the ligatures not come away.”
Nelson was shot in the head at the Battle of the Nile in August 1798 and was rushed to HMS Vanguard. He was discharged after one month despite a gaping hole in his head. The surgeon’s log read: “Wound on the forehead over the right eye, the cranium is bare for more than an inch, the wound three inches long. Discharged 1 September. The wound was perfectly healed on the first September but as the integuments were much enlarged, I applied (every night) a compress wet with a discutient embrocation for nearly a month which was of great service.” (ANI)

Leo Hendrik Baekeland (1863-1944)

Wednesday, October 21, 2009

photo: chemheritage.org
He is American-Belgian chemical expert, doctor, professor, who invented Velox photographic paper (1893) and Bakelite (1907), an inexpensive, nonflammable, versatile, and popular plastic. He was born on November 14, 1863 and died at Beacon, New York on February 23, 1944. Baekeland is a very clever student and always to be champion in his class. He finished his study in senior high school at 16 years old. Because his intelligence, he get scholarship to continued study chemistry at the University of Ghent, where he acquired a PhD summa cum laude at the age of 21. He was subsequently appointed associate professor of chemistry in 1889, and married CĂ©line Swarts, the daughter of his head of department. Then he makes traveller to France and England. He has traveller and photographed hobby . In 1889 he get scholarship to study and make traveller to United States of America for three years but Baekeland decoded to settled in that country then changed his citizenship. He became US citizen. Because his photographed hobby, he get job at photograph company. At that time for printed negative film picture to paper must used sunlight. This is not practice way especially when night, cloudy, or rain condition. This company had high dependency to sunlight. He rethink his actions and he decided to return to his old interest of producing a photographic paper that would allow good pictures to be taken in artificial light. After two years of intensive effort he perfected the process to produce the paper, which he named Velox.
In 1893, At the time the US was suffering a recession and there were no investors or buyers for his proposed new product, so Baekeland became partners with Leonardi Jacobi and established the Nepera Chemical Company in Nepera Park, Yonkers, New York. In 1899 Baekeland was invited to meet George Eastman, who immediately offered him $1,000,000 for his Velox process. Baekeland accepted at once. Some portion of that money he spent for traveller to German, and the other portion of the money he purchased "Snug Rock", a house in Yonkers, New York, and set up his own well-equipped laboratory. He started investigation in 1905. His first objective was to find a replacement for shellac (made from the excretion of lac beetles). Chemists had begun to recognize that many of the natural resins and fibers were polymers. Baekeland began to investigate the reactions of phenol and formaldehyde. He first produced a soluble phenol-formaldehyde shellac called "Novolak" that never became a market success. He then turned to developing a binder for asbestos, which at that time was molded with rubber. By controlling the pressure and temperature applied to phenol and formaldehyde, he could produce his dreamed-of hard moldable plastic: bakelite. The official name of Bakelite is polyoxybenzylmethylenglycolanhydride. In 1910 he founded plastic pabric the General Bakelite Co and became president for 29 yaers until 1939.

Two Years Child has Same Einstein and Hawking IQ

Tuesday, October 13, 2009

photo:  flickr.com

A two years old boy child in England has IQ reached 160, equal with intelligence famous scientist likes Albert Einstein and Stephen Hawking. Oscar Wrigley is the youngest boy who become Mensa member – the oldest and the best organization – that the member have high IQ in the world according to reported quoted from Xinhuanet on October 12, 2009. Wrigley that evaluated by Gifted Children’s Infromation Center at Solihull, England, has IQ 160, the highest score measured from Stanford-Binet test. He takes percentage position at 99.99 that make him become one of the brightest children in the world. John Stevenage, Mensa Chief Executive informed that Wrigley reality had already accepted join the organization at aged 2 years, 5 months, and 11 days. Wrigley has extraordinary ability. Wrigley parent said that they were known their son geniusness since Wringley aged 12 weeks. Wrigley started talk when at nine months, able memorized alphabet at 18 months, and when he reached two years old, he already had thousands word vocabulary.  

German Writer Get Nobel Literature

Monday, October 12, 2009

photo: cbsnews.com
Herta Mueller (56 years old), writer from German, get Nobel Sastra prize 2009, that announced by juries team in Stockholm, Sweden on Thurdays October 8, 2009. Juries team appraised Mueller writing critically pictured repressed and humiliation by Nicolae Ceausescu communist regime. This Muller victory is like supported for 20th celebrities of communist fall down. Juries appraised work of woman writer who born in Romania as writer with poem power and honestly prose pictured very cruel dictator of one regime. Mueller started her debut as writer in 1982 by published her short story collection titled Niederugen or The Lowest Point. Stories about life struggle in a town that the citizen speaks German in Romania but her works censored by communist regime. Two years later, uncensored version smuggled to German. This writing was publication and read by many persons. In the same time, Mueller published Oppressive Tango in Romania. Meanwhile, that publication was forbidden because criticism to communist government of Nicolae Ceausescu. Life background of Muller is not released from communist regime cruelness. Her mother has been sent for five years since 1945to prisoner camp in The Union of Soviet Socialist Republics (USSR) era. Mueller started work as translator for a machine company in 1977-1979. She fired because denied to become informant for secret service. Muller leaved Romania with her husband, Richard Wagner, in 1987 and lives in German. Muller is the 12th woman to win the prestigious Nobel literature prize
Here follows a list of the women literature laureates:
2009 - Herta Mueller (Germany)
2007 - Doris Lessing (Britain)
2004 - Elfriede Jelinek (Austria)
1996 - Wislawa Szymborska (Poland)
1993 - Toni Morrison (United States)
1991 - Nadine Gordimer (South Africa)
1966 - Nelly Sachs (Sweden), with Shmuel Agnon of Israel
1945 - Gabriela Mistral (Chile)
1938 - Pearl Buck (US)

Three Information Technology Experts Get Nobel Physics

Nobel physics prize winners: Britain's Charles Kao, Willard Boyle and
George Smith. photograph: Reuters and NAE

A pioneer of fiber optic and two scientists who found the way to change light become electronic signals – work that opened way to internet era – achieved Nobel Prize in Physics 1009 on Tuesday October 6, 2009. Charles Kao, Willard Boyle, and George Smith get this reward because created two tools that help information technology revolution. Kao is United States of America citizen who born in Shanghai wins a half of 10 million krona prize (US$ 1.4 million)for his research that makes a breakthrough in optic fiber used. That research opened way to continue light for long distance by fiber optic glass. Wilard Boyle and George smith also US citizen shared another half of prize because created first image technology that used a digital censor. “Nobel prize for physics this year give to two scientific reached. These findings help for created foundation for network that makes people connected each other,” says spokesman Scientific Academy of Sweden Kingdom. Kao get award because his work about fiber optic in 1996 that showed how to transmission light for long distance via fiber optic cable. This work became backbone for modern communication network that at this time realized in telephone connection and high speed internet connection to all over the world. Boyle and Smith work together created charged-couple device (CCD), semiconductor image circuit that became eye for digital camera. In 1969, they are work for Bell laboratory and designed an image censor that can be used to change light to pixel in short time.

Three US Citizens Accepted Medical Nobel

Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Three US scientists on Monday October 5, 2009 accepted Medical Nobel in 2009 because found and identification a key mechanism in genetic cell operation. This discovery inspired new research in aging and cancer. Elizabeth Blackburn who born in Australia, Jacks Szostak born in England, and Carol Greider get prize worth 10 million Sweden krona (US$ 1.42 million) according to Karolinska, Sweden. For the first time two women among Medical Nobel winners. That trio that worked in last 1970’s and 1980’s, overcome mystery how chromosome, structure that bring DNA, covered itself from degradation when cell split. Announcement of Nobel Prize mentioned three Nobel recipients found solution in end of chromosome, part named telomere that often compared with the end of shoestring to keep the string not decomposes. Blackburn and Greider found enzyme that make tolemere, that is telomerase and mechanism that used to add DNA in the chromosome ends to replace eroded genetic material. Work of Nobel recipients that prepared arena to research that mentioned cancer cells used telomerase to support their uncontrolled growth. “Discoveries by Blackburn Greider and Szostak already added a new dimension to understanding about diseases mechanism and stimulate developed of new potential therapies.” says foundation that become Nobel Prize Committee in medical field. Balckburn who hold United States and Australia citizenships is a biology and physiology professor at California University, San Francisco, Greider is a molecular biology and genetics science at medical faculty, John Hopkins University in Baltimore. Greider (48 years old) started researched telomerase in the late 1970’s with Blacburn, her academic adviser whom supported research about chromosome and DNA in University of California. A vocal researcher, Blackburn (60 years old) fired in 2004 from Bioethic Board in George W Bush era because her criticism to President policies about embryonic stem cell research. Telomere already found some decades before, but Blackburn curous how it become copied to updated cell life. Szoszak (56 years old) then continued research about telomerase. Szoszak who worked at medical faculty of Harvard University since 1979, at this time he works at Massachusetts Public Hospital in Boston.