German Writer Get Nobel Literature

Monday, October 12, 2009

Herta Mueller (56 years old), writer from German, get Nobel Sastra prize 2009, that announced by juries team in Stockholm, Sweden on Thurdays October 8, 2009. Juries team appraised Mueller writing critically pictured repressed and humiliation by Nicolae Ceausescu communist regime. This Muller victory is like supported for 20th celebrities of communist fall down. Juries appraised work of woman writer who born in Romania as writer with poem power and honestly prose pictured very cruel dictator of one regime. Mueller started her debut as writer in 1982 by published her short story collection titled Niederugen or The Lowest Point. Stories about life struggle in a town that the citizen speaks German in Romania but her works censored by communist regime. Two years later, uncensored version smuggled to German. This writing was publication and read by many persons. In the same time, Mueller published Oppressive Tango in Romania. Meanwhile, that publication was forbidden because criticism to communist government of Nicolae Ceausescu. Life background of Muller is not released from communist regime cruelness. Her mother has been sent for five years since 1945to prisoner camp in The Union of Soviet Socialist Republics (USSR) era. Mueller started work as translator for a machine company in 1977-1979. She fired because denied to become informant for secret service. Muller leaved Romania with her husband, Richard Wagner, in 1987 and lives in German. Muller is the 12th woman to win the prestigious Nobel literature prize
Here follows a list of the women literature laureates:
2009 - Herta Mueller (Germany)
2007 - Doris Lessing (Britain)
2004 - Elfriede Jelinek (Austria)
1996 - Wislawa Szymborska (Poland)
1993 - Toni Morrison (United States)
1991 - Nadine Gordimer (South Africa)
1966 - Nelly Sachs (Sweden), with Shmuel Agnon of Israel
1945 - Gabriela Mistral (Chile)
1938 - Pearl Buck (US)


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