Three US Citizens Accepted Medical Nobel

Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Three US scientists on Monday October 5, 2009 accepted Medical Nobel in 2009 because found and identification a key mechanism in genetic cell operation. This discovery inspired new research in aging and cancer. Elizabeth Blackburn who born in Australia, Jacks Szostak born in England, and Carol Greider get prize worth 10 million Sweden krona (US$ 1.42 million) according to Karolinska, Sweden. For the first time two women among Medical Nobel winners. That trio that worked in last 1970’s and 1980’s, overcome mystery how chromosome, structure that bring DNA, covered itself from degradation when cell split. Announcement of Nobel Prize mentioned three Nobel recipients found solution in end of chromosome, part named telomere that often compared with the end of shoestring to keep the string not decomposes. Blackburn and Greider found enzyme that make tolemere, that is telomerase and mechanism that used to add DNA in the chromosome ends to replace eroded genetic material. Work of Nobel recipients that prepared arena to research that mentioned cancer cells used telomerase to support their uncontrolled growth. “Discoveries by Blackburn Greider and Szostak already added a new dimension to understanding about diseases mechanism and stimulate developed of new potential therapies.” says foundation that become Nobel Prize Committee in medical field. Balckburn who hold United States and Australia citizenships is a biology and physiology professor at California University, San Francisco, Greider is a molecular biology and genetics science at medical faculty, John Hopkins University in Baltimore. Greider (48 years old) started researched telomerase in the late 1970’s with Blacburn, her academic adviser whom supported research about chromosome and DNA in University of California. A vocal researcher, Blackburn (60 years old) fired in 2004 from Bioethic Board in George W Bush era because her criticism to President policies about embryonic stem cell research. Telomere already found some decades before, but Blackburn curous how it become copied to updated cell life. Szoszak (56 years old) then continued research about telomerase. Szoszak who worked at medical faculty of Harvard University since 1979, at this time he works at Massachusetts Public Hospital in Boston.


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